An Exaltation of Blocks

An Exaltation of Blocks


An Exaltation of Blocks is a two-volume set of books by Rosalie Neilson on symmetric block design. The 140-page Volume One describes how motifs were developed to provide the interactive Toolkit of 72 printed Design Pages and 49 Transparent Overlays. It includes chapters on how to convert 6-block patterns into three different weave structures: Summer and Winter, Huck Lace, and Warp-faced Rep. It also includes a chapter suggesting ways to change symmetric motifs into asymmetric patterns. Volume Two contains the Toolkit of twelve envelopes where the Pages and Overlays are stored. The Toolkit is divided into two sections. Section One Design Pages and Transparent Overlays  jump starts a weaver into 6-block patterns suitable for 8-shaft looms. The Section Two Design Pages illustrate the 1,024 4-block motifs which are also compatible with 8-shaft looms.  The Transparent Overlays convert these into 5-, 6-, 7-, and 8-block motifs suitable for looms with more than eight shafts.

The 9” x 12” book comes with its own storage box and retails for $125. 

This is the second printing of the book. 

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Addendum to the book, now available to download: